Doug's Thanksgiving Musing

Many of us have private personal practices or as Berkeley sociologist Robert Bella’s called them ‘habits of the heart.’ These are small moves we make daily to remind us of the goodness of life. These days, it can seem naive to focus on what’s good about life. But that’s what Thanksgiving is all about. When you gather at table on Thursday with friends and family, we, no doubt might have ambivalent feelings. Life is full of mixed offerings. We must choose where we focus. Sometimes it is difficult to be grateful when we are suffering or feel wronged in some way. You can feel unfairly singled out. Certainly life isn’t fair but we live in hope. Remember, ‘you become what you think about.’ We are shaped by our focus. If you constantly fixate on the wrongs that have been done to you, it is easy to become cynical and bitter. And sadly, it is easier to gravitate to the negative and untoward rather than the delights of life. That’s precisely why negative political campaigning works far better than advancing a positive narrative. So this is why i choose daily to write down 3-5 small things to celebrate. It doesn’t mean that i don’t have challenges. (Lord, let me count the ways.) Neuroscientists tell us that such a practice can actually rewire the brain….imagine that.

Another challenge is this: you’re either in some kind of trouble or challenge, coming out of some trouble or challenge or going into some trouble or challenge. That’s reality. To make sure we knew this, even Jesus, stated in a crystal clear fashion: ‘in this world you WILL have trouble.’ It’s not an option like heated seats on your new Audi….it is coming our way period. But again, we can choose where we focus our gaze….on all the challenges or on all of the blessings. Our choice.

So can you imagine, that in the midst, in the very midst of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had the bright idea to proclaim a national holiday, a Day of Thanksgiving. He did on October 3, 1863. And while he had unimaginable ‘troubles’ for sure, he chose to lift his gaze higher to focus upon gratitude. Below you will see the actual text of the proclamation.

Thursday is Thanksgiving. Might we suspend for just a short time obsessing over all that’s not right and recall, relish and celebrate the very goodness of life and the love of God and family.

Warmly. Doug